Sunday, July 26, 2009

Settling into the "new life"

"Man...this is the life!" I have been learning lots of new stuff - like stairs and a doggie door. My foster mom has a big fenced backyard; I love to go out the doggie door right now but haven't quite mastered coming back in through the doggie door - but I am determined to learn that too. Right now my stomach is a little upset - gosh yours would be too if you had all the changes happen to you in a short weeks time, but I am settling into this new life and I love it! My foster mom has stuffies but I believe I prefer the yellow tennis ball - I love to control it...take it in my mouth and give it a couple of squeezes...then let it go to see what it will do...I won't let it get too far before I must let it know who's boss! As I said, "This is the life!!!!"

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